Saturday, March 10, 2012

Chili Verde Pork Tacos

 Chili Verde Pork Tacos were amazing this week.
Jeff came over with his tomatillo knowledge and we roasted the vegetables in the oven for a bolder flavor than boiling.

Sauce Ingredients:
2 Lbs. Tomatillos
1 Large Onion
8 Serrano peppers, de-stemmed
2 Poblano peppers
1/4 C Garlic
1 T Oil
1 t Salt
2 T Honey
1 Bunch chopped Cilantro


  1. Remove the husks from the tomatillos
  2. Combine all prepared veggies (except poblanos and cilantro) in a baking dish, add 1 t salt
  3. Roast the vegetables @ 350 for 30 - 45 mins
  4. Coat the Poblanos with 1 T Oil and wrap in foil to roast separately
  5. Once cooked, remove the poblano skins 
  6. Blend everything together, adding honey and cilantro to taste
We then used some of the sauce (approx. 1 Cup) and mixed it with 1 Cup of chicken broth to serve as the marinade for braising our sliced pork shoulder for 1 hour.   I also threw a little sauce in with some boiling rice. Pull the pork, assemble and enjoy!

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