Thursday, February 16, 2012

Coconut & Galangal Soup with Chicken

This creamy soup is the final installment from my Thai experiments earlier this month.
I wanted to try something that incorporated the more tropically influenced southern half of Thailand and I also wanted to experiment with whole fresh roots, instead of powders.

I found a variation of this recipe in a book I borrowed from a good friend and food mentor, Jeff Extine, though I had to make some changes for what was available and in season.
I also used dried bird's eye pods in the soup, instead of the fresh thai chilis you see in the photo.

1 Lb. of Chicken breast
1 Sweet Onion
8 pieces of fresh Galangal root (1 inch wafers)
4 Cups Chicken broth
1 (16oz) can of Coconut Milk
1 Cup of coconut cream
4 T Lime juice (add more to taste)
8 Dried Birds Eye Chili Pods
S & P

  1. Dice and sautee onions first (add a little cooking oil if necessary)
  2. Add the chicken broth & chicken (substitute 1 extra Cup of water for broth)
  3. Bring to a boil, then add the coconut milk, galangal root, chili pods and S &P 
  4. Reduce heat to med-low
  5. Once the chicken is fully cooked (30 mins) and breaking apart, add lime juice and coconut cream.
  6. Simmer for 30 mins - 1 hour to incoporate flavors, and then serve with cilantro or fresh pepper garnish.

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